The Administrative Objectives and Plan of the Department of Personnel in 2019
I. Prospect
Construct the Taipei City Government team into a team with high efficacy and competitiveness
II. Mission
To become the best strategic partner of Taipei City Government
III. Administrative objectives
1. Amend organic regulations to cope with the needs of city governance to allow the organization design to meet the requirements of municipal administration and construction.
2. Assist each department to promote the proficiency of the staff to control the growth of the budget and staff number (Department AC1.1 and Department AP1.1).
3. Promote the core professional competence of personnel staff, some of whom will be selected to attend courses in core profession competence and core administration competence. Training sessions in personnel regulations and policy training will be planned and operated (Department AL1.1, Department BL1.1, Department CL1.1, Department DL1.1, and Department EL1.1).
4. Continue to conduct works in appointment, discharge, promotion, transferral, evaluation, and accreditation update to consolidate the policy of examination and appointment. And continue to employ disabled and indigenous people (Department BC1.1 and Department BP1.1).
5. Continue to conduct periodic transferral of civil servants to promote their on-the-job experiences and encourage professional talents interchange to prevent corruption.
6. Cultivate professional talents in key positions to allow civil servants to understand generally the values and implications of democratic administration and promote their vocational development (Government TL1.2 and Department CP1.1).
7. Select and assign outstanding civil servants to conduct studies abroad to learn progressive experiences and new concepts, discovering new approaches in other countries and transforming them into applicable policies and launching new schemes (Department CC1.1 and Department CF1.1).
8. Assist employees to solve problems encountered at work and in daily life with diverse measures of care and concern to provide colleagues an environment in which they can carry out their duties and enforce law and order (Department DC3.1).
9. Pay employees’ salary according to the law and supervise affiliated departments to fill out all payments (salary), bonus, and other payments by following the “Personnel Expenditure Information Management System for Organizations and Schools” and maintain the accuracy of the information (Department DC1.1 and Department DP1.1).
10. Promote exchanges among employees in the schools and organizations affiliated to Taipei City Government. Sponsor leisure and social activities and parties for single employees and new recruits to promote interaction among them to expand their horizons (Department DC2.1).
11. Consolidate the open and transparent policy by inspecting and re-inspecting the uploading and announcement of work items of staff in different departments on the websites. Use the roll planning method to review operation guidelines to promote the accuracy of contents (Government HC5.1 and Department EC1.1).
12. Continue to promote the simplification of the personnel form to consolidate the accuracy of personnel data, the completeness check, and submission-free operation. By creating the personnel form with the information system automatically, it will contribute to more than 40% of the simplification rate regarding the manual fill-out of regular business forms (Department EP1.1).
13. Promote human resource statistics to assist policy making and the computerization of personnel management forms. Promote the efficiency of human resource policy analysis and personnel management (Department EC2.1 and EP2.1).
14. Maintain the accuracy and completeness of retirement and compensation (annuity) to consolidate the care of retired personnel and pay retirement and compensation pensions upon verification (Department DP2.1).