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2024 Major Events

January 3

TPCG’s organizational review team held its first meeting of 2024, discussing amendments to certain articles in the organizational regulations and faculty and staff quota table (draft) of Taipei municipal universities under the Department of Education, and reviewing the organizational regulations and staffing tables for units under the Taipei City Police Department (draft) and organizational regulations and staffing tables for the Department of Information and Tourism (draft).

February  6

In the afternoon starting at 2 PM, the mayor visited the Department of Government Ethics, Department of Personnel, Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, Public Works Department, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Cultural Affairs, Transportation Department, and Joint Service Center to bid farewell to the civil servants and meet with the public.

February 16

A group meeting was held to evaluate 2024 outstanding young civil service workers. The meeting was chaired by Secretary General Tai-Hsing Li, and 13 outstanding young civil service workers were selected.

February 17

A group meeting was held to evaluate 2024 civil service workers. The meeting was chaired by Secretary General Tai-Hsing Li, and 31 exemplary civil service workers were selected.

February 19

To elevate the position level of the head of the first-level unit in the Engineering Office (工程處) under the Public Works Department, our department, along with the Director of the Public Works Department and the Director of the Personnel Office, visited the Department of Personnel Planning and Regulations at the Ministry of Civil Service.

February 20

A meeting was held by Wen-Te Chang, Deputy Secretary-General, to evaluate 2024 excellent workers. A total of 30 excellent workers were selected.

February 27

Hosted a seminar on the Taiwan LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Workplace Index, attended by 95 participants from first-level agencies and district offices under TPCG.

February 29

Held the first meeting of 2024 to discuss proposals for budget and personnel quota adjustments across various agencies, schools, and institutions under TPCG. This included reviewing proposals for six agencies and 10 staff members for occupational development institutes under the Department of Labor, Taipei City Archives under the Department of Cultural Affairs, Department of Economic Development, Department of Health, Department of Transportation (including TPCG’s Taipei City Parking Management and Development Office and Taipei City Traffic Engineering Office), and the Department of Education (covering three city institutes including municipal universities and Zhong Zheng Senior High School, 28 schools including Neihu Senior High School, and adding 12 classes to 11 elementary level schools including Yuhang Kindergarten and the Kuangfu Elementary School’s affiliated kindergarten).

March 14

Invited Mr. Fang-Ming Wu, General Manager of Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Co., Ltd., to lead the “2024 Cross-domain Exchange - Food Safety Issues Seminar.” A total of 31 participants attended, including the appointed directors at the ninth grade level from our first-level personnel agency, the Deputy Commissioner, senior specialists, division chiefs, and directors of our department.

March 15

Organized the 2024 personnel management meeting for our department, chaired by the Commissioner, at Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration. A total of 32 participants attended, including appointed directors at the ninth grade level, as well as staff from departmental sections and first-level agencies.

March 19

A presentation was held in 2024 at the City Hall Parent-Child Cinema to explain the suspension of work and schools due to natural disasters, with 334 participants.

March 21

A review meeting was held for personnel participating in TPCG’s 2024 “Training for Civil Service Workers Promoted to Senior Rank” and “Training for Police Officers Promoted to Police Inspector”.

March 26

Recognized the contributions of 13 outstanding young civil servants, including Pei-Hsuan Liao and her team members from Taipei City Hall’s Public Affairs Management Center, for the year 2024 at the municipal council meeting.

March 26-27

Hosted the “Personnel Business Discussion Seminar” for 2024, featuring lectures, case studies, and practical discussions led by specialists and subdivision chiefs from our department. A total of 312 people participated.

March 28

Organized the 2024 annual seminar on retirement benefits and support laws for civil servants. A total of 338 people participated.

April 25
A review meeting was held for personnel participating in TPCG’s 2024 “Training for Promotion of Appointed Civil Servants and Officers” and “Training for Promotion of Police Sergeants to Police Officers.”
April 26
The second review meeting for 2024 was held for TPCG’s organizational review team to discuss and amend the organizational regulations and draft organizational chart for the Taipei City Animal Protection Office, under the Department of Economic Development, TPCG.
April 26
The second review meeting for 2024 was held to discuss budget personnel increase or adjustment requests from various agencies and schools. The meeting reviewed proposals for nine staffing plans from four agencies, including the Taipei City Animal Protection Office under the Department of Economic Development, the Sewerage Systems Office and Hydraulic Engineering Office under the Public Works Department, the Department for Youth, and the Department of Education (including six schools such as Zhong Zheng Senior High School and Minquan Elementary School.)
April 26
Hosted an exercise for TPCG’s press release on natural disaster announcements.
April 29
Held the “Sexual Harassment Prevention Act and Gender Equality in Employment Act—Practical Handling of Complaints” seminar, featuring Director Shu-wen Yao from the Department of Social Welfare, TPCG, and Attorney Kuan-ling Chi from Shanhe Law Firm (山河法律事務所) as speakers. A total of 208 personnel from various TPCG agencies and schools attended.
April 30
The “2024 Exemplary Employee Recognition Ceremony” was held on the 2nd floor of the Taipei City Hall Parent-Child Cinema (親子劇場), honoring 31 exemplary public servants and 30 outstanding workers.
May 17
The third review meeting for 2024 was held to discuss budget personnel increase or adjustment requests from various agencies and schools. The meeting reviewed proposals for four staffing plans from the Department of Education, the Department of Civil Affairs, the Hydraulic Engineering Office under the Public Works Department, and the Department of Health.
May 22
The “2024 Pilot Implementation of AI Conversational Personnel Services” project was completed, including the setup, installation, and testing of the environment and system.
May 29
Convened the 1st meeting of the special task force for the 2025 fiscal year budget and staffing plan for TPCG. Vice Director Li Hua-shu from this department presided over the meeting, inviting the participation of the Finance Department, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics and Research, Development and Evaluation Committee from TPCG for a joint review.
June 5, 6, 12, 13
Commissioned the Department of Civil Servant Development to conduct the first and second sessions of the 2024 Retirement Career Planning Workshop for TPCG. The sessions were attended by 46 and 42 participants, respectively.
June 7
Organized a comprehensive discussion with the Department of Social and Public Affairs of Taipei City University regarding the Public Affairs Internship Program for the 2nd semester of the 2023 academic year.
June 12
The enrollment period for the “Non-profit Kindergarten for Children of Taipei City Government Staff (Administered by the Public Service Association in Taipei)” and the “Taipei City Government Private Preschool for Children of Taipei City Government Staff (Administrated by the Down Syndrome Foundation R.O.C)” for the 2024 academic year is from 9 AM, May 20, 2024, to 12 PM on June 11, 2024. The lottery draw was conducted at 10 AM on June 12, 2024.
June 13
Convened a meeting to review the 2025 fiscal year plan for dispatching personnel abroad from various TPCG agencies. Deputy Secretary-General Wang Chiu-tung presided over the meeting, inviting the participation of the Finance Department, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics and Research, Development and Evaluation Committee from TPCG for joint review.
June 17
Conducted a basic training course for care workers at TPCG and affiliated agencies and schools in the second half of 2024, with 9 participants.
June 19
Organized a series of courses on prenatal care and new parent training for the first half of 2024, themed “From Preparing for Pregnancy to Newborn Care,” attended by 27 participants.
June 24
Held the 2024 expanded personnel officer briefing, which was attended by 76 participants consisting of the office’s division-level officers and above, personnel officers from level-1 offices (units), personnel officers from district offices, personnel officers from level-2 offices (units), personnel officers, and outstanding personnel officers from our office in 2024.
June 26
Convened the second meeting of the 2025 budget personnel plan project team, chaired by Secretary-General Li Tai-hsing. The meeting included joint reviews by the Finance Department, the Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and the Research, Development and Evaluation Committee to address unresolved personnel matters from the first meeting concerning various agencies and schools.
June 28 - July 8
Arranged the 2024 Study Tour on net-zero sustainability for 12 trainees and 1 administrative staff member to Copenhagen, Denmark, for a short-term exchange and observational learning.