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2009 Major Events


Milestones for the Department of Personnel, in 2009
Nov 16 First place winner in group category of the 2009 Writing Contest of Personnel Administration Research and Development, organized by the Central Personnel Administration.
Oct 30 The promulgation of the revised regulations and organizational chart for 12 district offices and 12 household registration offices in Taipei City.
Oct 6 The swear-in ceremony for the Commissioner of Department of Education Kang Tzong-huu.
Sep 29 The swear-in ceremony for the Deputy Mayor Lee Yong-ping.
Aug 11 The swear-in ceremony for the Commissioner of Department of Rapid Transit Systems Chen Chun-liang.
Aug 4 The swear-in ceremony for the Commissioner of Department of Information and Tourism Tuo Chung-hwa and the Chairperson of Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission Yang Hsiao-tung.
Jul 30 The promulgation of the revised regulations and organizational chart for Taipei Public Library.
Jul 29 The promulgation of the revised regulations and organizational charts for both the Department of Land and the City Hall Management Office.
Jul 14 The swear-in ceremony for the Commissioner of Public Works Department, Chen Jin-yuan.
Mar 25 German Trade Office Taipei invited the president of Human Resource Systems Group, Dr. Suzanne Simpson, and three other members to visit the Department of Personnel.
Feb 17 The promulgation of the revised Regulations and Organizational Chart for Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Administrative Appeals Commission, and Law and Regulation Commission.