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2017 Major Events

Milestones for the Department of Personnel, in 2017
December 22 The policy presentation for candidates of Department of Sports under Taipei City Government
was held.
December 20 The policy presentation for candidates of Department of Transportation under Taipei City
Government was held.
December 20 “The principles for the Taipei City Government-affiliated schools and institutions to assist
students with anomalous symptoms” ceased to apply.
December 8 The individual case investigation conference to provide care and support for the city
government workers involved in litigation was held and chaired by the Vice Mayor Deng Jiaji, where the Deputy Secretary-
General Li Wening, the Deputy Secretary-General Lin Wanfa and Department of Legal Affairs and 20 other government agencies
in the ad hoc group were invited to join the joint discussions.
December 18 In the Parent-child Theater on the second floor of the municipal building, the Seminar for
Publicity of the Civil Service Retirement, Tenure and Pension Act promulgated by the Ministry of Civil Service was held.
December 14 The city government immediately held a meeting to review employees or groups with specific
performances or significant contributions. The Secretary-General Chang Cheyang presided over this meeting and invited the
relevant government officials to review the specific performances or significant contributions of the employees or groups
from September to November in 2017.
December 12 The operational structures and jobs held by the government departments and organizations as
published on the Internet were randomly checked. A total of 31 agencies were sampled, and the sampling accuracy was 98.51%.
November 22, 29 In the Civil Service Training Office, two sessions of “2017 Seminar on Interview Skills
” were held, and the clinical psychologist from Mackay Hospital was invited to be the lecturer, Chung Chaoying, with 80
personnel office workers as the participants.
November 15, 16, 20 As the complaint system for protection of individual rights and interests of
employees in the government was officially available, a total of three educational training courses were held, with 83
participants at the top level of all government agencies.
November 14 The “2017 Year-End Appraisal Workshops” were organized at the Parent-Child Theater on the
2nd floor of the City Hall, which was presided over by the Chief Scretary Hsu Yaochin in this department, and the member of
the Audit Committee at the Civil Service Department of the Civil Division, Ke Minjing, was invited to give a lecture, where
the total number of participants was 410.
November 7 Groups and individuals with specific performances or significant contributions from June to
August 2017 were commended. The mayor awarded certificates and prize money to 9 top-performing groups and 5 people from
Public Works Department, such as Li Shihkuan as the deputy director of the Engineering and New Works Administration and the
director of the Public Works Office based on the “Re-evaluation on Strategy Map Execution Performance of Winning
Authorities in 2016” in the municipal council.
November 1 The 4th meeting of the ad hoc group to provide care and support for the city government
workers involved in litigation was held and chaired by the Vice Mayor Deng Jiaji. Department of Legal Affairs, Department
of Urban Development, Department of Information and Tourism, Department of Finance, Department of Budget, Accouting and
Statistics, and Urban Regeneration Office and Construction Management Office under Taipei City Government were invited to
join the joint discussions.
October 30 The Expanded Personnel Supervisor Meeting was held in the activity hall/auditorium of Taipei
Municipal Daan Vocational High School in 2017. 265 personnel supervisors from the government offices (agencies) and schools
attended the meeting.
October 26 The “Symposium for New Personnel selected based on National Examinations” was held in the
Personnel Office, and the Director and his colleagues attended the symposium for exchange of opinions and experience
sharing. 28 people participated in the symposium.
October 18, 19 The “School Group” personnel rules and regulations test were implemented in 2017, where
the test was given online via the personnel service network. The number of the test takers was 350.
October 17, 18 In the atrium of City Hall Building on the 1st Floor, the “Taipei City Government Employee
Recreation Club Societies Achievements Exhibition” was held. The exhibition was co-organized by five staff associations,
namely the Leisure and Flower Club, the Folk Arts Club, the Life Horticulture Club, the Photographic Club and the Painting
October 17 The ceremony where the Secretary-General Chang Cheyang in the city government and the chairman
of the Indigenous Peoples Commission Chen Yicheng took the oath was held.
October 16, 17 The “Organizational Group” personnel rules and regulations test were implemented in 2017,
where the test was given online via the personnel service network. The number of the test takers was 458.
October 3 The “Reference Guide on Assistance for Litigation arising from Performance of Official Duties
by Taipei City Government and Its Affiliated Institutions and Schools” was renamed as “Key Points to Provide Care and
Assistance for Personnel of Taipei City Government and Its Affiliated Institutions and Schools involved in Litigation
arising from Performance of Official Duties”. Relevant regulations would take effect immediately.
September 27 The city government immediately held a meeting to review employees or groups with specific
performances or significant contributions. The Secretary-General Su Liqiong presided over this meeting and invited relevant
government officials to review the specific performances or significant contributions of the employees or groups from June
to August.
September 25 The policy presentation for candidates of the chairman of Indigenous Peoples Commission,
Taipei City Government was held.
September 11, 12, 14 The “2017 Grassroots Personnel Supervisor Training Seminar” was held by the Civil
Service Training Office as commissioned by the City Government, and the participants included those promoted to be
personnel supervisors within the past year. A total of 32 participated in the seminar.
September 5 Participants in the Leadership Classes at the Dutch Institute of Public Administration in 2017
reported their short-term studies in the 1953th Municipal Council.
September 1 The 3rd meeting of the ad hoc group to provide care and support for the city government
workers involved in litigation was held and chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General Lin. Department of Legal Affairs,
Department of Urban Development, Department of Information and Tourism, Urban Regeneration Office and Construction
Management Office under Taipei City Government were invited to join the joint discussions.
August 10 Conducted the workshop on key amendments and case analysis for Regulations for Retirement and Condolence of Political Appointees at the Department’s Conference Room 1103.
August 9 Convened a review meeting of selection of outstanding civil servants for overseas advanced training in 2018, conducted by Deputy Mayor Teng Chia-Ji. The meeting selected 13 employees for overseas training (including 9 employees for master degrees or programs, and 4 for studying municipal issues).
August 4 Organized 2017 Employee Family Day at the City Hall’s 1st floor atrium, which was attended by 407 people, including employees and their family members.
August 1 Commended the groups and individuals from the City Government’s bureaus and departments with specific performance or major contributions from March to May 2017. During the City’s Administrative Meeting, the Mayor awarded certificates of merits and cash prizes to 4 outstanding groups from “Task Force of 2017 Taipei Universiade International Education Integration Course Results Carnival” and 2 officers, including You Ting-Ting from the Department of Social Welfare.
July 29 At 8 pm, based on the latest weather forecast for Typhoon Nesat provided by the Central Weather Bureau, the City Government announced the entire day of the 30th had reached the status of cancellation of class and work.
July 29 At 10 am, based on the latest weather forecast for Typhoon Nesat provided by the Central Weather Bureau, the City Government announced that the night of the 29th had reached the status of cancellation of class and work.
July 18 To facilitate the Government’s human resources personnel to fully understand the key amendments of the Regulations for Retirement, Severance and Condolence of Civil Servants, Lu Ming-Tai, Director of the Ministry of Civil Service was invited to give a talk on the “Workshop on Regulations for Retirement, Severance and Condolence of Civil Servants” at the auditorium of Taipei City Police Department, which attracted approximately 450 participants.
July 13, 14, 18 Conducted 2017 “Employee Assistance Program-Human Resource Personnel Workshop (2nd batch)” at the Department of Civil Servant Development; 38 human resources personnel from the City Government’s affiliated agencies and schools participated.
July 12 Conducted the orientation training for 2017 young student summer internship at governmental agencies, which was attended by 340 participants.
July 8, 15 To facilitate business communication between new recruits from the City Government’s various agencies and to increase the opportunities for interactions between agencies, the “2017 1st and 2nd Exchange Activities” were conducted at the Auditorium on the 13th floor of the Administration Center at Wanhua District, which attracted 104 participants.
July 6 Conducted “2017 1st Personnel Management Information System Workshop” at the Department of Civil Servant Development. The workshop comprised 11 courses and was attended by 445 employees.
July 3 The City Government’s community nursery began to provide care for the employees’ 10 babies and toddlers from the age of 2 months to 2 years.
June 28, 29 Conducted 2017 a leadership and management course for middle and top management, which was attended by 323 participants.
June 26 Convened review meeting on awarding employees or groups with specific performance or major contribution, conducted by Secretary-General Su Li-Chiung. Related personnel from the City Government were also invited to take part in the review on the employees with specific performance or major contributions from March to May 2017.
June 23 Conducted operational workshops on manpower cost management information system for the agencies and schools, with one session in the morning and one in the afternoon; 349 participants attended.
June 20 The City Government’s affiliated private community nursery for children of the City Hall’s employees was open on Jun. 20, 2017, and began operation on Jul. 3rd. The nursery is operated by Early Childhood Education of Taiwan, where 10 babies and toddlers of our employees from the age of 2 months to 2 years are cared for by 3 nursery personnel.
June 17 – July 2 Deputy Secretary-General, Lin Wan-fa, led the City Government’s 2017 Elite Leadership Training Course comprising 25 participants to the Netherlands School of Public Administration for a 2-week short-term overseas workshop.
June 16, 27 Conducted 2017 basic and advanced courses on staff’s rights and interests according to the Labor Standards Act; 88 participants attended.
June 16 The City Government and the University of Taipei co-organized the “Symposium and Achievement Exhibition” of the course of “Internship in Public Affairs” for the 2nd semester of the 2016 academic year.
June 16 “Remuneration and Welfare Subsystem” course of “2017 1st Personnel Management Information System Workshop” was conducted at the City Government’s Department of Civil Servant Development; it was attended by 40 participants.
June 15 Convened the 2nd meeting of task force for assisting employees involved in lawsuits while performing duties, conducted by Deputy Mayor Teng Chia-Ji. The City Government’s Department of Legal Affairs, Department of Urban Development and Department of Information and Tourism as well as Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office and Taipei City Construction Management Office were invited for the discussion.
June 10, 17 2017 2nd single social activity of the City Government’s Heart Bridge Society was conducted at Hewan Resort situated in Pingxi District of New Taipei City; it was attended by 123 employees of the City Government.
June 7 Convened the 2nd review meeting of the 2018 Overseas Business Trips of the personnel assigned by various agencies, conducted by the Department’s Deputy Commissioner, Lin Wen-Yuan. The City Government’s Department of Finance, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission were invited to participate in the review.
June 2, 14, 19 Convened the City Government’s 2018 planning task force meeting on budget complement and temporary staff and dispatched manpower, conducted by the Department’s Deputy Commissioner, Lin Wen-yuan. The City Government’s Department of Finance, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission were invited to participate in the review.
May 15-25 Held the “1st Session 2017 Personnel Information Management System Training Course” at the Department of Civil Servant Development; a total of 365 trainees attended.
May 23 Held the “Training Course on Writing Works about Reflections on Reading Specified Books” for 2017 at the Department of Civil Servant Development; a total of 35 people from the City Government’s affiliated agencies and schools participated.
May 16 Awarded the City Government’s 2017 Model Civil Servants at the Municipal Administrative Meeting, where the major handed out awards to 30 people, including Fan Yue-Qi, the Division Chief of the Department of Civil Affairs, and so on.
May 12 Held the 1st review meeting on official overseas business trip for officials of the City Government’s agencies for 2018 hosted by Deputy Commissioner Lin Wen-Yuan, with the joint assistance of the City Government’s Department of Finance, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission.
May 11 Held the opening ceremony for the City Government’s 2017 Elite Leader Class at the Department of Civil Servant Development; there were 25 trainees. Deputy Mayor Teng Chia-Chi was invited to give a speech and the 4-day domestic courses were held on May 11th, 17th, 22nd, and 25th, accompanied by the Class leader Deputy Secretary General Lin Wan-Fa and the Department’s Commissioner Cheng, Ben-Qing.
April 24 Revised Article 4 of the “Notices for Employee Business Trip and Overtime of the Taipei City Government and its Affiliated Agencies”, which will go into effect on January 1, 2018.
April 11 Awarded individuals and groups for specific performance or major contributions made between December 2016 and February 2017 at the Municipal Administrative Meeting; the mayor gave out certificates and cash rewards to 6 outstanding groups and one person, Liu Yu-Ling, Division Chief of the Department of Information and Tourism.
April 11 March 30th and April 11th held 4 “2017 Seminar on Personnel Services”; each official at the levels of Sub-division Chief and above led practical discussions and case studies sharing with the 540 participants in their respective areas of governance.
April 10 Taipei Public Library and each branch was input into the WebITR attendance system.
April 6 Held the 2017 City Government Outstanding Janitor Group Selection Meeting, held by Deputy Secretary General Lin Wan-Fa. 30 outstanding janitors are to be selected and awarded by the mayor in person at the Municipal Administrative Meeting with medals and cash prizes.
April 5 Held the swearing-in ceremony for Chu Chao-Hsiang, Commissioner of Department of Civil Servant Development, Taipei City Government, and Wang Cong-Li, Chairperson of Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Taipei City Government.
March 30 Held WebITR attendance system seed - rotating shift staff training. There were two sessions and 47 participants.
March 30 Held the 2017 “Seminar on Personnel Services” (for Compensation Section’s services), with speakers Specialist Lin Zheng-Fu and Sub-division Chief Xu Xiu-Ling, and Lin Ya-Xin on the topic “Salary Benefits and Retirement Pension Practical Discussions and Case Studies”. A total of 133 staff in charge of compensation services and related services from the City Government’s affiliated agencies and schools participated.
March 30 Held the 2017 “Seminar on Personnel Services” (for Evaluation and Training Section’s services), with speakers Sub-division Chief Nie Liang-Xian and Zhang Xiu-Mei on the topic of “Performance Reward/Punishment and Attendance Practical Training Discussions and Case Studies”. A total of 132 staff in charge of actual evaluation and training affairs from the City Government’s affiliated agencies and schools participated.
March 29 Held the 2017 Conference of Personnel Management Officials of the Department, hosted by the Commissioner, the Division’s Section/Offices Chiefs, first-level agencies, and district office personnel supervisors, with a total of 47 participants.
March 28 Publicly commended 2017 Outstanding Young Civil Servants of the City Government at the Municipal Administrative Meeting. A total of 10 persons were awarded, including Section Assistant Guo Yin-Zi at the Department of Civil Affairs, etc.
March 23, 24, 28 Held the “Employee Assistance Program – Personnel Officials Workshop (Session 1)” for 2017; 35 personnel officials from the City Government’s affiliated agencies and schools attended.
March 23 Held the 2017 Human Resource Information Management Seed Instructor Training Course; four courses are planned for 69 participating seed instructors.
March 20 After negotiating three times among the Public Service Association in Taipei, the City Government’s Department of Legal Affairs, Department of Government Ethics and the engaged insurance company (Cathay Life Insurance), the City Government approved a 4.4% increase in the voluntary group insurance premium for the City Government’s employees and their spouses, while those with other identity type remained unchanged. Such premiums were put into effect on April 1st, 2017.
March 16, 17, 21 Held the 2017 “Employee Assistance Program - Management Personnel Workshop (Session 2)”; 33 participants from the City Government’s affiliated agencies and schools attended.
March 16, 17 Held the WebITR attendance system training for personnel officials. There were 2 sessions with 80 participants.
March 16 Held the 2017 Analysis Seminar on Procedures for the Suspension of Offices and Classes because of Natural Disasters; there were 252 participants.
March 16 Held the City Government review meeting for immediate rewards for specific performance or major contributions made by employees or groups, hosted by Secretary General Su Li-Chiung; it reviews the City Government’s employees’ or groups’ specific performance or major contributions between December 2016 and February 2017.
March 10 Established the “Taipei City Government and Its Affiliated Agencies and Schools Civil Servants Regular Performance Review Supplementary Regulations”, which is planned to be in effect on May 1st, 2017.
March 8 The City Government’s (including those selected and recommended with the Executive Yuan) 2017 Model Civil Servants and Outstanding Young Civil Servants Selection Meeting was held, hosted by Secretary General Su Li-Chiung; it plans to select 30 model civil servants and 10 outstanding young civil servants.
March 2 Conducted the Department Commissioner Cheng Ben Qing’s Handover and Inaugural Ceremony.
March 2 The "Taipei City Government New Employee Care Questionnaire" discussion meeting was held, hosted by the previous Commissioner Huai Xu, with the participation of the City Government’s Employee Counseling Room Special Professional Counselor Xiao Jing-Rong and Counseling Psychologist Lin Zheng-Zeng.
February 22 The eClient document exchange system that uses hardware encryption was officially launched.
February 22 Organized the Department's 2017 "Pre-training Forum on Advanced Competency Training for Executive Level HR Personnel", hosted by the Department's commissioner, and Huang Yi-Feng, Associate Professor of Department of Public Administration, Tamkang University, was invited to participate in the event. Personnel above senior rank from the Department, and 15 people from the Department’s subordinate agencies, who have participated in the class of executive level of Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, participated in the event.
February 16,17,21 Taipei City Government’s Department of Civil Servant Development organized the 2017 "Employee Assistance Programs-Workshop for Managerial Staff (Session 1)", with 34 participants from the managerial level of Taipei City Government's subordinate agencies and schools.
February 15 Entrusted Taipei City Government’s Department of Civil Servant Development with the implementation of the first session of "Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade Guest Receiving Etiquette and Literacy Workshop", in which 81 people participated.
February 7 Co-organized the 2017 civil service protection businesses for the Civil Service Protection & Training Commission, comprising one session of publicity and one session of counseling, with Taipei City Government's Department of Civil Servant Development. A total of 443 people participated in the event.
February 7 Conducted the oath-taking ceremony of the Chairperson of Taipei City's Indigenous Peoples Commission, Chen Shi-zhang.
February 2 The Mayor wished the staff at the City Hall a Happy New Year via a broadcast at 9 am.
January 26 The Mayor bid farewell to the outgoing year at the City Hall at 3:25 pm by broadcasting to the staff and visitors in the City Hall.
January 25 The City Government participated in the 2016 civil servants book review writing competition organized by the National Academy of Civil Service (NACS). Liu Zhao-Yin from Zhongshan District Household Registration Office was awarded silver medal in "Second domain — self-development and humanistic care", and the award ceremony was held at the NACS.
January 24 Conducted "Mayor’s expectations on 2016 personnel appointment through examination and governance philosophy sharing session", with 518 personnel participating in the second session.
January 23 Conducted "Mayor's expectations on 2016 personnel appointment through examination, and governance philosophy sharing session", with 508 personnel participating in the first session.
January 17 Groups and individuals from the City Government departments with outstanding performance or significant contributions from September to November 2016 were awarded and commended during the municipal meeting. The Mayor gave certificates of merit and cash awards to 9 outstanding groups, including: "Taipei City making of online teaching video cum Taipei CooC-Cloud development team" and 4 individuals, including Guo Yu-Qi from the Department of Education.
January 16 Convened the 2017 City Government-level task force review meeting, hosted by Deputy Mayor Teng Chia-chi. Secretary-General Su Li-Chiung, Deputy Secretary-General Lin Wan-fa, Department of Finance, Department of Legal Affairs, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and Research, Development and Evaluation Commission were invited to participate in the review.
January 16 In response to the major security incidents of the payroll system in the Department of Information Technology, the information security meeting of the Systems Administration was held, and the system information security risk checklist was reviewed.
January 16 Chief Secretary Xu led 13 supervisory personnel from the Department, and personnel from Systems Administration to visit Microsoft Taiwan for the "Digital Transformation of Human Resource Management".
January 13 Conducted the comprehensive symposium on the Public Affairs Internship Program of the City Government and University of Taipei at the end of the first semester of the school year 2016 on the 2nd floor meeting room of Gongcheng Building of the University of Taipei.
January 11 Studied and set the meeting for supplementary provisions for the general evaluation of civil servants of Taipei City Government and its subordinate agencies and schools. It was hosted by the Department’s Deputy Commissioner, Lin Wen-yuan, and the personnel from the City Government's department-level agencies and district offices were invited for the discussion.